Universities Tuition Fees for International Students in Romania

Universities Tuition Fees for International Students in Romania

Studying at Romanian universities offers a unique cultural experience in a dynamic and multinational environment. In addition to obtaining a world-class degree, international students in Romania will have the chance to learn new languages and gain international and intercultural skills that are of great value to future employers. To learn more about the conditions of studying in this European country and university tuition fees for international students in Romania, stay with us until the end.

Top Universities in Romania for International Students

The best universities in Romania based on global rankings are as follows, you can also find these universities tuition fees for international students in Romania on the website:

Best Universities with Affordable Tuition Fees for International Students in Romania

Before we actually delve into the tuition fees for international students in Romania, let’s get to know the best Romanian universities offering quality educational courses to overseas students. There are more than 49 state universities and 8 private universities in Romania.

Universities Tuition Fees for International Students in Romania

There are 3-year undergraduate courses for science, humanities, social sciences, economics, law, political science, fine arts, and sports sciences, as well as 4-year courses for technology, engineering, mining, and forestry fields of study. For General medical studies, dentistry, veterinary medicine, and architecture the courses take 6 years to complete and a Master’s degree in Romania takes 2 years.

Institutions of higher education in Romania include universities, academies, institutes, colleges, and faculties of fine arts.

University of Bucharest

The University of Bucharest is the second oldest higher education institution in the country and has the highest rank in the world rankings. This university was founded in 1864 and is currently ranked 32nd in the E.E.C.A ranking system and +701 in the world. This university has a maximum of 32,000 students and 1,300 university employees.

The University of Bucharest consists of 18 faculties that cover a wide range of disciplines. It cooperates with more than 50 higher education institutions in 40 countries and participates in various programs such as the Erasmus Mundus scholarship, Lingo, Leonardo da Vinci, Tempus, etc., which increases the participation of international students in this university.

Babes-Bolyai University

Babes-Bolyai University is the largest higher education institution in Romania and more than 41,000 students study there. This university was founded in 1919, but in 1959, it went through very fundamental changes and developments.

Universities Tuition Fees for International Students in Romania country

This university is also among the top 800 universities in the world and ranks 36th in E.E.C.A. The university is named after the Romanian pioneer scientist, Victor Babes, and the Hungarian mathematician, Janos Bolyai. This university is one of the most important research centers in Romania with 21 separate faculties. It offers courses in Romanian, Hungarian, German, English, and French.

Alexandru Loan Cuza University

Alexandru Loan Cuza University is the oldest university in Romania. It was founded in 1860 by Prince Alexandru Loan Cuza. This place is one of the most respected universities in Romania and has been ranked 49th in the E.E.C.A. Alexandru Cuza is home to about 26,000 students in the city of Iasi.

When this university was founded, it had only 3 faculties: philosophy, law, and theology. But since then it has improved significantly and added 12 faculties to its previous universities. This university is a member of some networks of international higher education institutions, including the Utrecht network and the Coimbra group.

The Western University of Timisoara

The Western University of Timisoara is the fourth university in Romania that is among the top 800 universities in the world. The University of Timisoara is ranked 59th in the E.C.C.A ranking system. This university was opened in 1962 and is considered the youngest ranked university at the international level.

This university is organized into 11 faculties: mathematics and information, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, history, theology, psychology, economics, art, physical education, politics, philosophy, and law. One of the most famous and proud graduates of this university is Herta Muller, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2009.

Tuition Fees for International Students in Romania

University tuition fees for international students in Romania vary from 2000 to 5000 euros per year for most programs, depending on the university, the country of the international student, and changes every year for new students. For example, the cost of master’s studies, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and veterinary sciences is between 3200-5000 euros per year.

how much are the Universities Tuition Fees for International Students in Romania

The tuition fees for international students in Romania in the fields of technology, agriculture, science, mathematics, and sports is 2430-2700 euros and for the fields of social studies, psychology, and economics, the tuition fee is between 1980-2200 euros. If you are passionate about studying abroad in Romania and don’t have enough information how to apply for study in Romania or how much is the cost of studying in Romania, we suggest you call our experts at Stinwo Agency for further information!

Costs of Living in Romania for International Students

The cost of living in Romania as a student is not too expensive compared to other European countries, but this monthly cost can vary depending on the lifestyle of international students. However, with 300-500 euros per month, an international student can live very comfortably and enjoy a decent university education in Romania. The cost of living for students in Romania is as follows:

  • Student accommodation in Romania for (3 people in 1 house): 650 euros per month
  • The cost of a private apartment: between 150 and 300 euros per month
  • Cost of food: between 150 and 200 euros per month
  • Cost of health insurance: 10 euros per month
  • Internet: 15 euros per month
  • Transportation: 40 euros per month
  • Taxi: 32/. Euro is for every 1 km of distance
  • Cost of one sandwich: 2 euros

Are Universities Tuition Fees for International Students in Romania Affordable?

Studying in Romania is very popular throughout Europe and beyond. Along with easy university admissions and low tuition fees for international students in Romania, this country offers a multicultural atmosphere that makes thousands of international students feel at home. Statistics show that more than 500,000 students’ study in Romanian universities, of which more than 27,000 are international students.

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FAQ about Universities Tuition Fees for International Students in Romania

What are the Top Universities in Romania for International Students?
Babes-Bolyai University, University of Bucharest, Alexandru Loan Cuza University, West University of Timisoara, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Cluj-Napoca Technical University and Gheorghe Asachi Technical University.
There are more than 49 state universities and 8 private universities in Romania that international students can apply for!
Babes-Bolyai University is the largest university in Romania and over 41,000 students study at this higher education institution.
Alexandru Loan Cuza University is the oldest university in Romania and It was founded in 1860.
The tuition fees of Romanian universities, vary from each university to others. Also, the origin of students, study programs that they choose and level of the degree that they apply for, will be effective on the tuition fee.

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