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Suceava, is one of the municipalities in Romania that is the capital of “Suceava County”. Also, this beautiful town has been situated in two historical regions of Bukovina and Moldavia. In the context of geography, Suceava has been situated in north-east of Romania. Besides, it is worth mentioning that this city is at the crossroad of Eastern and Central Europe.

Features of Suceava city in Romania

Suceava, is the largest urban settlement in this county. The estimated population for this town, is around 84,308 inhabitants. Throughout the late middle age, between years 1388 and 1564, Suceava was the capital of Principality of Moldavia. Afterwards, it turned into a significant commercial center which was strategically located.

Presently, Suceava is famous for reconstruction of the medieval fortress and other UNESCO-validated World Heritage sites in the city, for instance “Saint John the New Monastery” and other national tourist attractions.

Also, the “Administrative Palace” which is a civic and historic building which has been designed by a Viennese architect, is located in the center of the historic town of Suceava. The Roman Catholic church of “Saint John of Nepomuk” is also situated along with this palace and has created a scenic view.

Study in Suceava

One of the best Romanian universities has been situated in the town of Suceava, which is “The Stefan Cel Mare university”. This university has been established in 1990. Although, the higher education institution of Stefan Cel Mare was initially formed as the “Institute of Pedagogy” since 1963.

For those who want to study at high schools and schools in this town, some of the greatest institutions have been mentioned below:

  • National College “Mihai Eminescu”
  • National College “Petru Rares”
  • Stefan Cel Mare National college
  • “Dimitre Cantemir” Economical college

First college we have mentioned in the list above, offers courses of studies such as Mathematics, Social Sciences, Philosophy and Computer Science. At the “Petru Rares” national college, study courses that students can pursue are, Philosophy, Mathematics, English and Computer Science.

If you are enthusiastic about studying Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Computer Science, then you will have the opportunity to study at National College of “Stefan Cel Mare”.

Eventually, for those who want to study Economics, then you must register at “Dimitre Cantemir” College for this institution is the only academy in Suceava that you can study this science at. If you need to gain further information about Study programmes of Romanian universities, we recommend you visit our related articles!

Career opportunities in Suceava

The unemployment rate in Suceava was %4.9 based on the latest statistical data. This statistic includes people with 15 years old and over. Currently in 2024, the top ten highest paying jobs in Suceava of Romania, are mentioned in the table below. Also, the estimated salaries that have been considered for each job position, are referenced:


Highest paying jobs in Suceava Average Salary
1 Surgeons and doctors 26,900 RON
2 Lawyers 18,300 RON
3 Chief Executive Officers 16,200 RON
4 Orthodontists 14,500 RON
5 Pilots 10,800 RON
6 Judges 22,600 RON
7 Bank managers 17,200 RON
8 Chief Financial Officers 15,100 RON
9 College Professors 12,900 RON
10 Marketing Directors

9,700 RON

If you want to know which job opportunities are highly available in city of Suceava, we have created a list of the most demanded job professions in this county:

  1. Engineers
  2. Driver
  3. Actuary
  4. Information Security Analyst
  5. Nurse Practitioners
  6. Data Scientist
  7. Personal Care Aides
  8. Salesperson
  9. Software developer
  10. Statisticians
  11. Physician Assistant
  12. IT Manager
  13. Scientists
  14. Technicians
  15. Marketing Manager
  16. Financial Advisor
  17. Physical Therapist Assistants
  18. Information Technology Technician
  19. Operations Research Analyst
  20. Information Security Analyst
  21. Occupational Therapy Assistants and Aides
  22. Medical and Health Services Managers

If you want to immigrate through a work visa to Romania, mentioned jobs above are the items that have a high chance at success. Therefore, if you choose to work in these positions, then you can easily be accepted by employers and also, you can receive your visa without struggles.

Living conditions in Suceava

Generally, the cost of living in Suceava for one single person, is around $700. Meanwhile, if a family of four decides to settle in this town, then they must spend over $1600 per month in order to meet the quality standards of living. In case you need to know how much the expenses are going to be excluding rent, for one person it is $373 and for a family it is about $1130.

On average, rent and utilities in this city will be $332 only if you want to live by yourself. On the other hand, if you are a family with at most 4 members, then you should put aside $518 for rent and other utility services. Other important expenses you might face while living in this city, are listed as below:

  • Food expenses for 1 person is $276.
  • A family of four should spend $738 per month on food.
  • Typically, every person should spend $25.2 for transportation.
    Families with 4 members, should be spending $69.9 for transportation, taxi or Gas and petrol. Monthly salary for living in this city, is $722 and this amount is on average.

Based on the updated information that has been published via reliable resources, The quality of life in Suceava is 61%. Also, the population of 84.3K individuals live in this city. The typical cost of living in this city, has been estimated around $704, and it has turned Suceava into one of the least expensive cities in the world. Moreover, Suceava is the 28th cheapest city to live in among 47 counties of Romania.

How much does it cost to live in Suceava?

Median after tax salary in Suceava, is around $722 which would be enough in order to cover expenses for a month. Suceava has succeeded in gaining the 5294th place in the list of the best places to live in the world. Besides, it has become the 21st best city for living in Romania. It has been estimated that this city is the 22nd largest city in Romania.

In the table provided below, we have mentioned some of the regular transportation expenses:

Taxi Ride 8km or 5mi

Gas and Petrol 1L or 0.26 gal


Local transport ticket monthly

Local transport ticket for a ride


Transportation in Suceava

An interesting fact about transportation conditions in Suceava that worths mentioning, is that this city currently has a series of green electric buses that has been supported by Switzerland. Formerly, there were trolleybuses and regular buses in circulation across town.

Trolleybuses in this town, were opened on 15 august officially in the year 1987. Afterwards, they were closed and shut down on April 2nd 2006. Presently, public transportation facilities are mostly modernized and they meet every technical standard. Before the arrival of green buses, “Iris Bus” was the type of public transportation vehicle that was most common and in service in this city.

Since 2023, electric buses have been activated all around town. Currently, these buses stop around different stations inside and outside of town nearby localities. “SC Transport Public Local Sa” which is also known as “TPL”, is the main operator of public transportation in this city.

Climate and weather in Suceava

Suceava has a continental temperate climate. This type of weather is typical for Central and Eastern Europe areas. Additionally, springs are pretty short in this city and summers are moderately warm. On the other hand, winters and autumns are prolonged in Suceava.

As it has been mentioned earlier, summers are moderately warm and comfortable in Suceava. This warmth nearly lasts for 3.7 months since May 20 to September 11. Typically, daily high temperature in Suceava will be 69° F. According to reliable resources and statistics, the hottest month in Suceava over the year, is July. The average highest and lowest temperature are 77° and 59° Fahrenheit by order.

In the terms of cold seasons, winters are moderately snowy and freezing in Suceava. Furthermore, it will be partly cloudy during the year. Over the course of the year, the temperature moderately varies between 22° to 77° Fahrenheit in this city and it rarely drops below 6° Fahrenheit. Also, it barely skyrockets above 87°F.

Cold season normally lasts for 3 and a half months in this city since November 21 to March 9. Daily high temperature is usually below 42°F. If you are wondering which is the coldest month in Suceava, it’s January! In case you want to obtain more information on the conditions of living in Suceava, we suggest you call our experts at Applyro for further information!

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