Study in Romania for Indian Students: A-Z Guide

Study in Romania for Indian Students

Romania is a country that can make your study abroad experience even sweeter with its large university cities, many forests, and cool beaches. This is the complete guide to study in Romania for Indian students; Stay tuned if this is something that interests you.

Overview of Studying in Romania

The number of higher education institutions in Romania is 26 and the number of postgraduate education centers is 6. The academic year in Romania usually starts on October 1st. The average cost of studying in Romanian universities is 2,000 to 5,000 euros per year and the average cost of living in Romania is 489 euros per month.

It is possible to study in both French and English in Romania. You can get Romanian scholarships to reduce your tuition and accommodation costs. During your studies in Romania, you can work up to 4 hours a week and after your studies, you can work in this country by obtaining a work permit in Romania.

conditions of Study in Romania for Indian Students

Higher education in Romania takes place through universities, academies, and schools. There are more than a hundred higher education institutions and schools in Romania. Romania has more than half a million students studying in its state centers, 75% of these students’ study at the undergraduate level and 20% of them study at the master’s level.

Ph.D. Studies in Romania for Indian Students

Doctoral studies in Romania usually last three years and you have to submit a research project to complete your studies. As a Ph.D. student, you may be required to publish your academic papers in relevant journals. When you register for a Ph.D. in a Romanian university, you must choose a supervisor. Your supervisor is with you all the while you are working on your research project.

Ph.D. Study in Romania for Indian Students

After completing the research project, you must defend your project in the presence of a certain group of professors and judges. Indian students like other international student in Romania have to pay 240 to 300 euros per month as university tuition fees and about 990 to 2,000 euros to defend their Ph.D. project.

Required Documents to Study Ph.D. in Romania

  • Copies of bachelor’s and master’s degrees
  • Research proposal (proposal)
  • Passport copy
  • Published scientific articles

Depending on the university where you choose to study in Romania as an Indian student, they may set up an online or face-to-face interview for you to provide explanations about your project. The cost of this interview is about 10 to 50 euros.

Study in Romania for Indian Students – Master’s Degree

You can study in Romania full-time, or part-time for the master’s degree. Master’s degree studies in Romanian universities last about two years. The teaching methods at this stage are in the form of seminars and holding educational workshops and projects.

Study in Romania for Indian Students Master’s Degree

Master’s course units are divided into compulsory units and optional units. The final grade of each semester depends on the final theory exam and your class activity. Final exams are held in February and May or June. As in other countries, as a master’s student studying in Romania, you must submit a thesis. After doing your research, you have to answer the questions that are asked about the thesis in your viva session.

The costs to study in Romania for Indian students for a master’s degree are about 1,905 euros a year, which you need to pay before receiving a Romanian study visa.

Required Documents for Master’s Studies in Romania

  • Copy of bachelor’s degree
  • Copy of academic records: must be translated into Romanian, English, French, or German (preferably Romanian).
  • Certified copy of the birth certificate
  • Medical Certificate
  • Certified copy of passport
  • Language Certificate
  • Two passport size photos

If you intend to study in Romania as an Indian student for a master’s degree, you need to apply before the end of July every year.

Master’s courses in Romania are taught in Romanian, English, French, Hungarian, or German. You can participate in Romanian language preparatory courses and then receive your Romanian language certificate by passing the exam.

Undergraduate Studies in Romania for Indian Students

The duration of a bachelor’s course in Romania depends on your field of study. If you intend to study in Romania as an Indian student in one of the fields of humanities, economics, law, political science, and fine arts, it will take three years.

You need four years of study in the fields of business management, geography and geology, mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Studying medicine and dentistry in Romania takes between 5 and 6 years. You can study in German, French, English and Romanian languages in this country.

Documents Required for Undergraduate Studies in Romania

  • Valid passport: In order to apply to study in Romania as an Indian student, you must submit a valid passport and its copy along with the application form.
  • High School Diploma: Having a high school diploma or its equivalent is necessary to study at Romanian universities.
  • Proof of funds: You need to prove that you can finance your education through family financial support or student loans.
  • Health certificate: You must prove that you do not suffer from any contagious diseases.

To study in Romania as an Indian student for a bachelor’s degree in Romania, you need to be at least 17 years old.

Obtaining a Romanian Study Visa

To get a Romanian study visa, you must first receive an admission letter from your school or university. It takes two days to two months to review and process your documents to obtain a Romanian study visa. The documents required to obtain a Romanian study visa and study in Romania for Indian students:

  • Admission letter
  • Proof of funds
  • Insurance
  • Payment of 120 euros to obtain a visa
  • Police Clearance

Study in Romania for Indian Students – Basic Costs

Field of study Bachelors Masters and Ph.D.
Agriculture, science, mathematics, physical education 2,430 to 2,700 euros per year 2,610 to 2,900 euros per year
Architecture 3,150 to 3,500 euros per year 3,330 to 3,700 euros per year
Psychology, social sciences, economics 1,980 to 2,200 euros per year 2,160 to 2,400 euros per year
Medicine, dentistry, pharmacy 3,200 to 5,000 euros per year 3,800 to 7,000 euros per year
Music and art 3,780 to 4,200 euros per year 3,960 to 4,400 euros per year
Cinema 8,550 to 9,500 euros per year 8,730 to 9,700 euros per year

Note that the language of your education affects the costs when you study in Romania as an Indian student. The cost of studying medicine in Romania varies from 3,800 to 7,000 euros per year depending on the type of university and specialty.

Citizenship after Study in Romania for Indian Students

After the short-term residence permit in Romania (study visa) expires, you can apply for a long-term residence permit in Romania. Note that during your five-year short-term stay in Romania, you must not be outside of Romania for more than six months.

To get a long-term residence permit in Romania, you must first send your application to the General Directorate of Immigration Inspection in your country. After your application is approved, you must send the following documents:

  • Application form
  • Original and copy of valid passport
  • Original and copy of residence documents in Romania
  • Proof of funds
  • Health insurance certificate
  • Police Clearance

You can get Romanian citizenship after staying in Romania for at least 8 years. In order to obtain Romanian citizenship, it is necessary to have no criminal background and to be proficient in the Romanian language. You should also know about the Romanian constitution and the national anthem of the country. In order to obtain further information, you can call our consultants at Stinwo.

Documents required to obtain Romanian citizenship:

  • Original and notarized copy of passport
  • Residence permit in Romania for at least 8 years
  • Original and copy of documents indicating civil status
  • Original and copy of documents of no criminal record
  • Certified copy of residency documents in the form of a rental or property purchase agreement

Study in Romania for Indian Students

You will gain a lot of advantages by studying in Romanian universities. Contact us now to accompany you on this challenging path and help you reach your main goal.

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