Bucharest Academy of economic studies

Bucharest Academy of economic studies

Bucharest Academy of economic studies, is one of the non-profit and private institutions in Romania that international students can receive their admission from. This university is one of the oldest Romanian higher education institutions that has been established in 1913. About 25 study programs for Bachelor’s level, 78 study programs in Master’s and 10 programs in PhD level has been offered to students at this university. After obtaining the admission from Bucharest Academy of economic studies, you will be studying in one of the best Romanian universities that is a member of EU and Schengen area, benefits from high level of safety and has affordable living expenses.

Conditions of studying at Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies

The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies(Academia de Studii Economice din București), which is also known as ASE University, is one of the greatest non-profit higher education institutions in order to study in Romania. various study programs are covered at this university. 13 different faculties have been established in this institution that offer more than 200 specialized study programs. So far, over 25,000 students have studied at this university and close to 4% of them, were international students. Besides, more than 900 academic staff are teaching and tutoring students at this university and 10% of them are international professors.

Conditions of studying at Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies

It is notable to mention that, The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, collaborates with more than 400 educational institutions around the world. This advantage helps students and academic staff of the university to obtain countless opportunities in order to exchange knowledge and transfer to other remarkable universities in the world! Applicants can apply for studying Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD degrees at Bucharest University of Economic Studies. Also, 2 international MBA study programs will be offered to students at this institution. In the section below, we have mentioned 13 faculties of Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies:

  • Business management in foreign languages
  • International trade and economy
  • Theoretical and applied economics
  • Agriculture and environmental economics
  • Business and tourism
  • Law
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Economic cybernetics, statistics and informatics
  • Accounting and information management systems
  • Public management and administration
  • Financial affairs, insurance, banking and stock exchange
  • Bucharest Business School

Bucharest University of Economic Studies, is one of the largest universities in Romania that specializes in the field of Economics and Business. Moreover, this higher education institution has been ranked among the best Romanian Universities. According to Times Higher Education World University Rankings, this university is ranked between 801-1000 in year 2024. Also, QS Rankings has ranked Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies between 401-405. In addition to 13 faculties established in this university, 23 research centers have been built in on the campus.

The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies is constantly trying to improve and enhance the environment for students, researchers and academic staff in terms of research and education. One of the important advantages of this university, is the Compliance with European educational standards. Due to the fact, graduation degrees issued by this higher education institution, will be considered accredited in other European Union countries. ASE University, continuously upgrades and develops the study programs in order to be able to provide a high-quality academic experience for students based on the most recent teaching methods.

Undergraduate studies at ASE university

Study programs for undergraduate degree at Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, will be taking place for 3 years and are divided into 6 semesters. At the end of the undergraduate course, students will receive 180 ECTS to graduate and obtain their degree. In order to attain admission for this level of study, applicants must at least represent their high school diploma or an equivalent certificate. Generally, A certificate that provides the possibility to continue studying in a higher education institution will be necessary to obtain admission letter from the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies.

Bucharest University of Economic Studies, offers 35 different undergraduate study programs to students. These study programs are held full-time, part-time and Distance learning. Therefore, applicants have the opportunity to participate in any of these courses considering their conditions. In the section below, we have provided a table that informs you about offered study programs in every faculty:

Faculty Name Study Program
Faculty of Business Administration with teaching foreign languages Business management in English, French and German
Faculty of Management Public administration, human resources
Faculty of Business and Tourism Business management in business, tourism, services, business and quality management (in Romanian and English)
Faculty of Cybernetics, Statistics and Economic Informatics Full time training:

·         Economic cybernetics

·         Economic informatics

·         Economic informatics (in English)

·         Economic statistics and forecasting

Distance Learning:

·         Economic informatics

Faculty of Informatics Management and Accounting Full time training:

·         Accounting and management information systems

·         Accounting and management information systems (in English)

Distance Learning:

·         Accounting and management information systems

School of Law Law
Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Environment Full time training:

·         Agricultural economy and environment

Distance Learning:

·         Agricultural Economics and Environment (Tulcea)

Faculty of Theoretical and Applied Economics Economics and economic communication in business
Faculty of Finance, Insurance, Bank and Stock Exchange Full time training:

·         Financial affairs and banks

·         Financial affairs and banks (in English)

Distance Learning:

·         Financial affairs and banks

·         Finance and Banks (Buzau)

College of Management Full time training:

·         Management

·         Management in English

Distance Learning:

·         Management

·         Management (Piatra Neamt)

·         Admin (Deva)

Faculty of Marketing Full time training:

·         Marketing (part-time and distance learning)

·         Marketing in English

Faculty of International Economic Relations ·         Economy and international affairs

·         Economy and international trade (in English)

·         Modern applied languages ​​(English, French)

Post-graduate studies at ASE university

Study programs for post-graduate studies are 2-year courses and will be divided to 4 semesters. After finishing post-graduate studies, students will be receiving 120 ECTS and graduate from this level; which will allow them to apply for further studies and higher degrees. Applicants who are willing to obtain their admission for post-graduate degree studies, should at least hold a Bachelor’s degree or an equivalent certificate.

In post-graduate study programs, the main focus will be on researches and helping students develop their skills and knowledge in every field of study. At the university of economic studies in Bucharest, 3 international study programs will be offered to students that are organized in partnership with the best universities in France, Canada and Switzerland. The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, offers various study programs to students at this level. In the section below, offered study programs for post-graduate students have been mentioned:

Faculty Name Study Programs
Faculty of Business Administration with teaching foreign languages ·         Entrepreneurship and business management (in French and German)

·         Entrepreneurship in English

·         Business management in English

·         Business management of creative and cultural industries (in English)

·         Business analysis in English

·         Digital business and innovation in English

·         Business intelligence information in English

Faculty of Management ·         governmental management

·         Public administration and European integration

·         Human resource management in the public sector

Bucharest Business School ·         Romanian-Canadian MBA in English

·         Romanian INDE-French MBA (in English, part-time and full-time)

·         MBA Energy

Faculty of Business and Tourism ·         Business

·         Tourism business management

·         Department of Commercial Affairs

·         Quality management, expertise and customer support

·         Geopolitics and trade

·         Trade and services (in English and Romanian)

·         Sales and organizational development

·         Marketing and Management in Tourism (in Buzau)

Faculty of Statistics, Cybernetics and Economic Informatics ·         Applied statistics and data science

·         Economic informatics

·         Business analysis and company performance control

·         Information systems for economic processes and resource management

·         Online business

·         Business support databases

·         IT security in English

·         Cybernetics and quantitative economics

·         Applied data analysis (in Romanian and English)

You can visit the official website of Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies for further information about other study programs of this university!

Doctorate studies at ASE university

ASE University offers doctorate studies in various fields to students. Research centers in every faculty of this university, mostly focus on the doctorate studies and students can follow up their researches at these equipped centers. Studying doctorate degree at Bucharest University of Economic Studies, will be 3 years and those who have attained their Master’s and post-graduate degree will be eligible to participate in these courses.

Studying at Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies for international students

ASE University, offers different facilities and services to international students. For instance, at this higher education institution, orientation sessions and events take place which are organized by student associations and communities. In addition, international students can stay at the residences that university prepares for them.

Foreign students can benefit from multiple services provided for them at this higher education institution such as, restaurants and canteens, free internet on the campus, computer rooms, library, university book store, sport facilities, medical services, career guidance, language courses such as; Romanian preparatory course, cultural and social activities.

Studying at Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies for international students

Also, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies obeys Bologna educational system and the study structure of the university is based on 3 degree levels of Undergraduate, Post-graduate and Doctorate.

In order to study at Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, we suggest you to consult with experts who have enough knowledge and experience in this area and other conditions of studying in Romania. You can call our attorneys and consultants at Stinwo complex for receiving free advice!

Academic calendar of ASE University

Every academic year divides into two semesters. First semester starts since the beginning of October and will be continued until mid-February. Second semester will be held from the end of February to last days of January. Although, you can obtain accurate information about the start and end of these semesters with checking out the academic schedule specifically for each study program. In the following list, we have mentioned the determined period of exams:

  • Last days of January to beginning of February
  • Last days of May to mid-January
  • Re-examinations start from the second half of January to beginning of July

ASE University Romanian language preparatory course

One of the important advantages of the Bucharest University of Economic studies, is the holding of Romanian language course, which international students can participate in. If your favorite field of study is only offered in Romanian language, but you are not fluent in this language of instruction; you will have the chance to take part in the Romanian language preparatory course! These study program also uses the same educational structure and every academic year is divided into two semesters and will be held from October to January.

In order to attain the admission letter for Romanian language course, applicants should initially choose the undergraduate, post-graduate or PhD degree that they want to pursue after finishing this course! They must fill the second part of their admission request based on this information.

It is important to note that, applicants won’t be able to participate only in this preparatory course. They have to choose their level and field of study! Besides, they should send all the required documents for their admission to the office of “International cooperation and international students of Bucharest University of Economic Studies”. Generally, there are two different methods to take this action:

  • You can send your documents to authorities by E-mail. These certificates must be sent as scanned files.
  • The second method, is to send the documents via mail. You can send the physical certificates and needed documents to the office of “international cooperation and international students of Bucharest University of Economic Studies”.

Conditions of admission, enrollment and tuition fee of Romanian preparatory course at this university, will be determined every year by the “Academic Senate of the University”. The tuition fee for academic year of 2024-2025, is 2700 euros. Also, you should pay 300 euros for your documentation files to be checked by the university.

Required Documents for Romanian language course

After you received your admission letter from the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies and your student visa was issued; then you must visit the university in person to finish your final stages of enrollment. Some of the important and necessary documents that you should have while enrolling in person, are mentioned below:

  • The original admission letter for Romanian preparatory course in ASE University
  • High school diploma or equivalent certificate
  • Transcript and educational records
  • 2 photos in 3*4
  • Copy of your birth certificate
  • Health certificate
  • Copy of Undergraduate or Post-graduate degrees in order to study further levels

Facilities at the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies

ASE University, provides various and multiple facilities for students. Equipped library, Residences and dormitories, several restaurants and canteens, medical services, sports facilities and cultural centers on the campus, are some the facilities that students can use and benefit from. In the following section, we will be discussing more about them.

Student dormitory and residences

Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies has prepared multiple residences all across the city for students; which some of them are situated near the northern lake and parks, while others are built in the heart of the city. All of these residences have sports facilities and study halls. 12 residence halls have been considered for students which have the capacity of 43000 people! It is notable that, all of these residences have been equipped perfectly and have high standards for student living.

Facilities at the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies

The capacity of student residences at Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, is 2 to 4 individuals and it mostly depends on the type of residence. The cost of renting these residences will be 200 to 300 lei based on the type of residence and facilities. Students who have scholarships or have been admitted to the university via exchange programs, will be receiving residences guaranteed.

In this case, the procedure of requesting a residence for students, will be followed through the “Department of International Relations in collaboration with ASE Social Services”. In order to receive a residence on the campus of Bucharest Academy of Economic studies, you have to send the mentioned documents to the Related department:

  • Residence application form
  • ID Card/passport
  • Educational records

In case you want to receive a private dormitory, university won’t have any responsibilities to provide you this type of residence. The cost of renting a one-bedroom apartment will be between 200 and 400 euros. Meanwhile, renting a two-bedroom apartment will be 300 to 500 euros. These renting expenses won’t be including other facilities such as, cable TV or free access to the internet.

University restaurants and Canteens

You can have every meal of the day at one of the canteens of ASE University. One of these canteens is situated at the Moxa Complex while the other, has been built near Piața Romană. These canteens, will be offering students a fresh and various menu for 3 meals of the day regularly.

Moxa Canteen

Affordable and suitable meals will be served for students at this restaurant. The cost of every full meal at Moxa canteen, will be between 10 to 15 lei. They may want your student ID card at this restaurant. Usually, foods are prepared daily; but you can see the menu, almost a week before.


This restaurant will be open since Monday to Friday and you can have your lunch at Cihoschi canteen since 1 to 3 pm. One full meal with dessert at Cihoschi will be 10 to 15 lei.

Student Medical services

All the students are obliged to receive their medical insurance which is valid all along their academic years. Also, private insurance or European health card can be suitable alternatives. Examinations at the university doctor office will be free of charge! This office, is situated at the Moxa campus and general doctors will be giving services to students.

3 doctors with 5 nurses and also, 4 dentists with 3 nurses in this field, will be providing medical services that students need. In case of requirement, doctors will be available from Monday to Friday between 8 am to 7 pm.

European Union students who have the European health card or health certificate, can visit the general doctor they have chosen directly. Some of the services, consultations, diagnosis and medications might require fee. In case of emergency, you can call 112 which will be at service widely. All the hospitals have emergency room which are activated 24 hours. Using these services will be free with no cost.

Receive admission for Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies

ASE University, is one of the best higher education institutions in Romania which is active in management and economic fields. If you want to study at Bucharest University of Economic Studies, you should send your documents and achieve admission. Students who are not citizens of EU, EEA or Swiss Confederation, should receive the Romanian student visa. We suggest you to consult with an expert before taking any actions! Our attorneys and consultants at Stinwo, will be offering you free advice about getting university admission and student visa.

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