Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy

Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy

Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy (abbreviation UMFCD) is one of the best universities in Romania, located in Bucharest. This university, also known as the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest, is a public health sciences university that attracts many students every year. Many international students even opt to study at Carol Davila University.

Studying at Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy

This university is one of the oldest and largest universities in Romania, which was founded in 1857 by a Romanian doctor of French origins, Carol Davila, in collaboration with Nicolae Kretzulescu. Since December 1989, this university has become a state university with academic and financial autonomy.

Different factors have increased the popularity of this university among international students, the most important of which are:

  • High educational quality
  • Modern and advanced didactic equipment
  • Reasonable tuition fees and costs
  • The possibility of studying in English and Romanian

It doesn’t matter what language you speak; you can continue your studies in Romanian at this university. How? You can first follow the one-year preparatory course in the Romanian language and then continue your studies there. What could be better than this? Have you decided what your favorite field is?

Faculties at Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy

This university is one of the top ranked universities in Romania and has four different faculties, each of which was added to the university in other years. Numerous international students want to study in Romania in English, this is where your searches end. The duration of your studies and the tuition fees differ according to your field of study. These faculties are as follows:

Faculty of Medicine

The largest faculty at this university is the Faculty of Medicine, which offers the possibility of studying medicine in English and Romanian. if you want to study medicine in Romania and are searching for one of the top universities, Carol Davila is your choice. Several sub-specialties are provided in this medical school.

sub-specialties: Medicine, Registered nurses, Radiology and Imaging, Clinical Laboratory Nursing, Balneo-physiotherapy and Recuperation, Nutrition and Dietetics

Faculty of Dental Medicine

The Carol Davila faculty of dental medicine programs are offered in Romanian and English. The sub-specialties provided for this field are as follows:

Sub-specialties: Dental Medicine, Dental Technique, Registered nurses in dentistry

Faculty of Pharmacy

The faculty of pharmacy aims to train healthcare officers and pharmacists who can be competent and expert forces for hospitals and laboratories. In this faculty, like other faculties, different sub-specialties are offered.

sub-specialties: Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical assistants

Faculty of Midwifery and Nursing

The faculty of midwifery and nursing was established in 2005 as the fourth faculty of this university. You can graduate in one of the four different specializations offered by this faculty.

sub-specialties: Midwifery, General Nursing, Balneo-fiziokineti therapy and rehabilitation, Dental techniques

This part highlights the tuition fees for studying at Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy.

Tuition Fees at Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy (UMFCD)

The tuition you pay for Carol Davila University of medicine and pharmacy (UMFCD) depends on several factors. The duration of your studies, your field of study, and your country of origin all affect the amount of tuition and how to pay it. The tuition fee is around 8000 euros annually. If you are a student from the EU, EEA, and Suisse Confederation, you can pay the tuition fee after you arrive in Romania.

Accreditation of Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy (UMFCD)

The academic degree of Carol Davila University is highly regarded and internationally accredited. Since your degree is internationally recognized, chances of internship recognition and employment after graduation are high. In addition, your study environment at this university is largely diversified and friendly.

Hence you can easily assimilate and make many friends. studying in this Romanian Medical School surely guarantee your success in the future. In the table below, we have mentioned the latest rankings of this university based on Reliable sources:

Global ranking

University ranking in Europe University ranking in Romania Ranking among medical institution 
1002 386 4


What are the benefits of studying at Carol Davila University?

Maybe you’ve been asking yourself the same question: “why should I choose Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy among all other universities in Romania?” the reasons are pretty simple and obvious. The following are the best-distinguished reasons to study at this amazing university.

Romania’s oldest and most accredited university welcomes thousands of international students annually. Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy offers high-quality teaching alongside modern and equipped laboratories and hospitals for medical students.

After graduation from Carol Davila University, you will be rewarded with perfect opportunities in the medical world that guarantee your future work.
You won’t ever feel homesick at this university. You will be studying in a multicultural environment with students from all over the world.

Carol Davila University ticked all the right boxes. Hence all international students opt to study at this university. Here is a famous quote from the fifth-year medicine students at this university: “I wouldn’t go back to change a thing. Carol Davila University has it all”.

Are You Eligible to Study at Carol Davila University?

Since many international students are interested in studying medicine at Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, you will study in a multicultural environment. After that, you will be allowed to work in any country because your degree is valid worldwide.

Are you considering studying at Carol Davila University? For those in this situation, we will guide you through all the good experiences and challenges you may encounter. Call us Now!

If you want to enter the Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy in 2024-2025, then you must take part in an entrance exam. Foreign students who want to study Medicine or Dental Medicine in English, must spend 6 years to finish their studies. Also, the number of the credits that they achieve should be 360.

Admission process of Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy

In order to be accepted to English-teaching study programs of this university, your application file will be carried out through a competition. In this procedure, which is a file-based competition, every candidate’s school performance will be evaluated along with other personal achievements. Generally, applicants who are eligible to apply and can participate in this competition, are as followed:

  • Non-EU states citizens
  • Citizens who are from European Union, EEA, Swiss confederation and Romanian citizens residing abroad.

The admission calendar of Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy

File competition of this institution, will be taking place in two sessions. Among the items below, we have mentioned the admission calendar for these sessions according to the methodology of the university:

  • Applicants who are citizens of the mentioned categories above, can apply for the Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy for the first session between 15/04/2024 and 26/06/2024. Keep in mind that, every candidate must have passed baccalaureate/graduation exam and received the results.
  • If you couldn’t apply during the first session of sending application forms, then you can still apply between 29/07/2024 and 23/08/2024 which is the date of the second session. This deadline is for citizens who are from the mentioned areas.

All the students must obtain their baccalaureate/graduation exam results. If you are a non-EU citizen, then you are an exception and must obtain your student visa in order to enter Romania. Its worth mentioning that, candidates who couldn’t be admitted in session 1, still have another chance to apply for session 2 of the admission procedure without paying another processing fee.

Requirements for application and enrollment in Carol Davila University

The minimum requirement in order to apply for studying bachelor’s degree in Carol Davila University, is the graduation diploma from an accredited high school in the country of your origin. Also, the certificate that you submit must be recognized by the Ministry of Education in Romania. Your enrollment in study programs of this university, will be subjected to the observance of legal provisions.

Besides, you have to consider the legislative provisions related to the residence in Romania throughout your studies. Every year, the Senate of the Carol Davila University, decides that the maximum number of seats that are available. Initially, the Ministry of Education must approve them.

In the first academic year of 2024/2025, around 300 seats have been approved for the Faculty of Medicine. These number of seats have been divided into session 1 and 2 of applying for the university. In session 1, 200 seats will be available to students and the rest will remain for the second session.

On the other hand, in 2024-2025 admission, 72 seats have been approved for the Faculty of Dentistry. 50 seats will be available to applicants during session 1 and 22 seats will remain for the second session that candidates can apply for.

Linguistic competency and language proficiency

The language proficiency of every candidate, must be proved by presenting an accredited certificate or document in the application file. Among the items below, we have mentioned some of the items that you should be considering while providing a certificate for your language proficiency:

  • One of the methods that you can show your linguistic skills, is to provide a language proficiency certificate which is recognized internationally. Also, your certificate must be validated for 2 months.
  • The document that you prepare in order to apply for Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, should be explicit in mentioning the level of language competence. According to the European framework of references for foreign languages, your certificate must have at least the level of B2.
  • Citizens and applicants who have finished high school in an educational institution where the language of instruction have been English, will only need to present their diploma.
  • If you have achieved at least level of B2 in English language qualification of baccalaureate exam, you will only need to submit this document itself. This method is also based on the Common European Framework of Foreign Languages.
  • Eventually, you can participate in an English Language exam that is organized by the Department of Modern Languages in the Medicine Faculty of Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy. Non-EU citizens, must pay a fee of 400 EUR in order to take this exam.

How to enroll in language proficiency exam

If you want to take part in this language exam and prove your skills in linguistic competency, then you must take an appointment through sending an email.

In your email, you have to mention your passport ID and attach a copy of it along with the proof of exam fee payment. It is important to note that, the appointments for language exam must be made during the admission sessions.

The cost of admission in Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy

One of the important payments that you must consider in order to get into the Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, is the file processing fee. Applicants must pay the amount of 1,200 LEI for their application forms to be processed. This fee is non-refundable. You can pay your application fee through the admission platform of Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy.

Also, if you need to obtain more information on how to submit your application form, our consultants at Applyro agency can help you through the process. Besides, we have discussed about the English test fee in the previous paragraph. Even though, in order for you to completely understand the procedure, we have created a list below about this subject:

  • If applicants decide to participate in an English test at the Modern Languages Department of Medicine Faculty, then they will have to pay the fee of 400 EUR. This amount has been considered for non-EU citizens.
  • EU countries citizens, must pay in lei equivalent of 400 EUR.

You can pay the fee through bank transfer. In your payment details, candidates name and surname must be mentioned. Also, it must be explicit what this payment and amount represents, which is English test fee. Students who want to study at Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy in the academic year of 2024/2025, must pay 8,500 amount of tuition fee for medical fields and study programs. The university tuition fee can be paid in full or installments.

Residence in Romania for EU and Non-EU students

Applicants who are citizens of EU, EEA and Swiss Confederation, won’t need to obtain a study visa in order to study in Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy. Although, they must announce the fact that they’re staying in Romania to pursue their higher educational purposes. In order to accomplish this, you should visit the General Inspectorate for Immigration.

Citizens who are from non-EU countries will need a visa in order to enter Romania for further education. You must apply for a study visa through the Romanian Embassy in the country of your origin as an international student. Keep in mind that this type of visa must be issued based on your letter of acceptance that you have received from Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy.

The student visa that you apply for, is under the observation of the Ministry of Education in Romania. Besides, you have to pay the full tuition fee of the first year of your study. An important point you need to know about the student visa, is that this document allows you to stay in Romania for 90 days legally. During the time that your study visa is still validated, you have to obtain a residence permit which will be issued by “The General Inspectorate for Immigration”.

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