University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova

University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova

This university offers various study programmes in bachelor, master’s and doctoral degree levels. In University of medicine and pharmacy of Craiova, not only educational component is predominant, but also scientific researches matter equally. University of medicine and pharmacy of Craiova has been established in the historical region of “Oltenia” and is known as the pivot of health care in terms of practical specialist activities and methodologically.

History of the Craiova university of medicine and pharmacy

University of medicine and pharmacy was first established in 1970 and it had been announced on 10 February 1970 that the Medicine faculty was established and activated within the university of Craiova. It is notable to emphasize that the institute of medicine and pharmacy in Bucharest has provided didactic and scientific besides methodological support to the new faculty of Craiova university.

Nowadays, after 5 decades of hard work and training students, University of medicine and pharmacy of Craiova has become a strong partner and an essential pillar in medical education of Romania. After the establishment of university of medicine and pharmacy of Craiova, the inauguration of the faculty took place on October 1st in 1970.

As the new academic year began, more than 100 students enrolled and were welcomed in the lecture halls. Eventually they graduated in 1976 and entered the medical community of Romania as the initiate class of specialists who were trained in Craiova.

Ever since, more than 150 to 200 medical students graduate annually from the university of medicine and pharmacy of Craiova. Not only Romanian students enroll in this university, but also a lot of the students in this university are international students from all around the world.

History of dental faculty in Craiova university

Later in 1990, the specialization in dentistry was established amongst the faculty of medicine in Craiova. Then, since 2003 the faculty of Stomatology changed its name to Dentistry which students could specialize in dental fields.

It is important to note that the dentistry faculty is in accordance with European union rules. Besides, since 2008 this faculty offers specialization in dental technique that has been accredited since 2012.

History of Pharmacy faculty in Craiova university

The pharmacy faculty was established in 1996 that caused the institutional maturity of this university. In the academic year of 1996 and 1997, 25 students were enrolled in this major besides 18 students who were studying their second specialization.

Faculties at university of medicine and pharmacy of Craiova

There are 4 faculties in this university and they have been divided into research centers and various departments. At the faculty of medicine, there are courses offered to passionate students with inspirational learning. Also, it is notable to mention that besides the main education, there are some internships and impact research opportunities.

On the other hand, the faculty of dentistry in university of medicine and pharmacy of Craiova, is one of the best and leading educational centers. Students can specialize in oral health care, dental education, oral and craniofacial scientific researches. Besides mentioned faculties, there is a specified faculty for Pharmacy at the University of medicine and pharmacy of Craiova.

In this place, students will have access to a great range of various topics related to academic and professional interests. Eventually, last faculty of Craiova university in Romania that students can apply for, is the midwives and nursing faculty. Not only Undergraduate and postgraduate study programmes will be taught in this faculty, but also work internships will be offered to students who apply for majors of this faculty.

Faculty of medicine in university of medicine and pharmacy of Craiova

This faculty stands between the most demanding and strongest medicine faculties of Euroregion. The faculty of medicine in university of medicine and pharmacy of Craiova, passionately pursues the core mission of the institution which is training students in both medical fields and supporting scientific research areas.

Physicians and academics at this faculty, have prepared and developed strong research and educational programs for students who want to study medicine and become specialists in their field of interest. The material base which has been organized for education, innovation and research, consists of cutting-edge laboratories and equipment.

These technologies fully support researchers and students so they can achieve excellence in their field. The considered academic year for students, has been divided to 2 semesters. Each of these semesters consist of 14 to 15 weeks each.

In this faculty students will be assessed through oral and written exams. All of these exams and test will be held during every session that are included in the curriculum structure. Every optional subject in the medicine faculty ends with a test and students can pass the course with the credit points that are awarded to them.

Advantages of the faculty of medicine

Students who study at the medicine faculty in this university, can finish their studies at the undergraduate level by getting passed at a Bachelor’s degree examination. It is important to note that, undergraduate programs of the university of medicine and pharmacy of Craiova are accredited.

Therefore, the degree that you receive will be recognized all across EU and worldwide. several institutional mechanisms have been organized for the approval of study programmes that the medicine faculty offers. It is crucial to emphasize that all of these mechanisms will be evaluated and monitored regularly.

Students who graduate from this faculty, can still pursue their study through residency, master studies and or doctoral degrees. In general, postgraduate courses are offered in this faculty of medicine.

Faculty of dentistry in university of medicine and pharmacy of Craiova

This dentistry faculty stands amongst the strongest and greatest institutions in the country. Students who graduate from this faculty, are meant for brilliant careers! The dentistry faculty in university of medicine and pharmacy of Craiova, competes with world-class international faculties.

Overall, there are two main specializations that you can study at the faculty of dentistry. Dentistry and dental technique, are the undergraduate programs you can apply for in this faculty. Moreover, Prosthetic Restorations with implant support is a master’s program that students can study in order to continue their education.

It is notable to mention that, there are 2 different departments at this faculty that function as core units. Also, more than 50 tenured teachers work in these departments:

  • At the first department, disciplines such as General Medicine, Dental Prosthodontics, Oral Rehabilitation, Dental Materials, Morphology, Prosthodontic technology are taught to students.
  • At the second department, you can find disciplines such as; Oral and Maxillofacial surgery, Dentistry, Pedodontics, Endodontics, Orthodontics, Oral Pathology, Oral Prevention, Oral health and Periodontology.

Capacity of this faculty, determines that annually 471 students can be trained for specialization in dentistry. Meanwhile, only 94 students can apply for studying Dental Technique. Eventually, 20 students can register for the master’s program.

The material base has been designed in accordance with the population of students. Also, standards of the higher education in this faculty are based on the requirements of this field of study.

Conditions of studying at the dentistry faculty

The academic year for students who study at this faculty, has been divided and structured into two semesters. Each semester consists of 14 weeks in the first and second year. But, from the third year to fifth, there are 15 weeks. On average, you will have class for 28 hours a week. Also, it is important to mention that every semester has 30 ECTS credits.

Finally, students will be assessed through oral or written examinations. Each of these examinations are held during the sessions of your study. Date of each exam will be informed to you according to the curriculum structure.

In order to finish your bachelor’s studies, you must take part in an exam. Every bachelor’s degree issued by the university of medicine and pharmacy of Craiova and the dentistry faculty, is accredited, due to the fact that there are institutional mechanisms specified for the approval of study programs offered by this faculty. All of these programs are monitored and evaluated regularly.

After that, graduates can pursue and continue their studies and training throughout residency, master studies, postgraduate courses and doctoral courses. All of these options are within the educational offers of the faculty of dentistry in the university of medicine and pharmacy of Craiova.

Faculty of pharmacy in university of medicine and pharmacy of Craiova

This part of the university, has been established in 1996 and ever since, it has become one of the important centers of innovation, connection and development. The faculty of pharmacy, offers degree programs which are focused on research and teaching pharmaceutical disciplines.

Generally, this faculty of pharmacy in the university of medicine and pharmacy of Craiova has turned into an identifiable and important component of the academic forum in Europe. Undergraduate field of this faculty, is health.

Also, form of the education that students can apply for, is daily educations and studies. Applicants who apply in order to study at this faculty, must spend 5 years for their studies. Eventually, they can receive the bachelor degree of pharmacy by the end of these 5 years. After that, they can pursue their studies on higher levels.

There are multiple lecture halls with high facilities, laboratories and classrooms that provide suitable settings for students better learning. Each laboratory in this faculty of the university of medicine and pharmacy of Craiova, has been equipped with cutting-edge technologies appropriate and based on the current standards.

Faculty of midwives and nursing in university of medicine and pharmacy of Craiova

The university education of general medical nurses, began at this university in 1999 under the leadership of the director Dr. FI. After that, the faculty for midwives and nursing was established officially in 2008. Therefore, it is safe to say that this institution is the youngest and the newest form of the Craiova university.

Training students at this faculty has been started since 2012 with 3 different study programs which are; Midwives, Balneophysiokineto therapy and Nursing.

Currently, there are 30 tenured professors training over 590 students. 447 of these students will be studying nursing specialization and 68 can apply for Midwives specialization. Meanwhile, 79 individuals can start studying Balneophysiokineto therapy at the faculty. Students who graduate from the faculty of midwives and nursing, will eventually become great professionals and excellent specialists in the related areas.

Advantages of studying at the faculty of Midwives and nursing

Considering the fact that Romania follows the bologna education system, all the master’s and bachelor degrees are compatible with EU standards. Eventually disciplines will be weighted by ECTS study credits.

Graduates from the faculty of midwives and nursing can continue their studies through Master’s degree.

All the master’s degree issued by this faculty, are valid across the EU, because the accreditation of their programs and The development of community nursing services were developed between 2009 and 2010.

The master’s programs in this faculty, creates the possibility for nurses to participate in research work. Also, they can pursue their doctoral studies. It is important to note that, nursing students can directly take part in the teaching activities!

Tuition Fees at university of medicine and pharmacy of Craiova

In the context of tuition fees, we must mention that every programme has a different tuition fee. Therefore, it highly depends on your field of study. Based on the latest information about the cost of Romanian universities in 2024-2025, if you want to study “Dentistry” at university of medicine and pharmacy of Craiova, then the tuition fee is around 6,000 EUR.

Determined tuition fee for studying “Pharmacy” at this university is also 6,000 EUR. Eventually, tuition fee for studying as a “Nursing” or “Medicine” student is about the same and you must pay 6,000 euros annually to the institution. Tuition fees for studying medical programmes in Romania, are generally more affordable and cost-friendly than other European universities.

Scholarships in university of medicine and pharmacy of Craiova

Students who are qualified and have a great resume, can apply for scholarships that are offered by this university. University of medicine and pharmacy of Craiova grants these following scholarships allocated from the state budget:

  • Merit scholarships
  • Social aid scholarships
  • Performance scholarships

In case you want to apply for a student fund or scholarship, you can call our experts at Applyro company for further information. Our professional attorneys and consultants in the company, will guide you through the path to get the best scholarship and student loan according to your resume.

Advantages of University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova

One of the important missions this university has, is training the students based on the basic and academic sciences related to medical and pharmaceutical fields. Faculties in this university offer top-notch knowledge according to the latest updates and national needs throughout the day courses.

Moreover, in the faculties of university of medicine and pharmacy of Craiova, postgraduate trainings are provided for those who want to become specialists in medical and pharmaceutical fields. Also, bio-medical scientific researches are supported and promoted in this university of medicine and pharmacy as a major activity.

Craiova university campus

The campus of university of medicine and pharmacy of Craiova, consists of 2 different student dormitories with more than 800 beds. Also, there is a dormitory on campus for resident doctors that holds the capacity of 180 beds. Besides, you can use a tennis court at the campus.

In addition, there is a Canteen-restaurant that has the capacity of 100 seats for students. Menus in this restaurant, are at prices subsidized by the national education ministry.

Close to the restaurant, there is a faculty specified for midwives and nursing students. Also, the B building that offers facilities for teaching and researches has been built in the area.

Accreditation of university of medicine and pharmacy of Craiova

Based on the latest information published by the “Times Higher Education”, The university of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, has a significant place and rank amongst all the Romanian medical educational institutions. Ever since this university has been established, it has expanded and developed.

This university, has been consisted of multiple faculties and each of them cater to different aspects of medical studies. In particularly, the faculty of medicine has a strong presence internationally. One of the most important factors this faculty has become famous for, is the non-political approach to education. Almost, 14% of the population of students in this university, is consisted of international students.

According to the Times higher education, this university had gained the place between 1201-1500 amongst all of the universities around the world! Besides, from the point of view of the QS world university rankings, the university of medicine and pharmacy of Craiova, is the 1401 best university among all of the universities in the world.

Also, this website expresses that Craiova has the 103 ranking among eastern European universities. All the given data, is based on the latest statistics in 2024.

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