
Obtaining residence and investment visa of Romania Slovakia Germany Austria Hungary امارات متحده عربی

International investment with Stinwo

Immigration through investment has become one of the most popular ways of immigration. One of the important benefits of investment immigration is that; People can obtain permanent, temporary residence or citizenship of the desired country by registering a company, entrepreneurship, buying property and starting a startup. There are several factors that make a country suitable for investment migration. Economic prosperity, the amount of taxes, gross production and the support of the destination country from international investors, include these things. If you want to get detailed information about this, contact the experts of Stinwo collection and benefit from a free telephone consultation!

How to Invest internationally?

This method is one of the easiest and most convenient methods through which people can immigrate to the destination country. Of course, having enough capital to do this will be a must. Immigration through investment has 3 important advantages:

  • No need for educational and academic degrees
  • No need for a valid language certificate
  • The possibility of obtaining permanent residence in the desired country

All European and non-European countries have set some general conditions for individuals that applicants must meet first and then can apply for an investment visa. Providing a certificate of no bad background, having sufficient financial resources and being at least 18 years old are among these important things. Fortunately, this immigration method has no age limit and people can immigrate to Europe through investment at any age and in any condition. Not only will it be possible for you to obtain residence and get a passport; Rather, applicants who immigrate to Europe and the Schengen area will also have the freedom to travel in this area. It is worth noting that; The possibility of free education is also provided for children under 18 years of age.

Conditions of International investment

This immigration method is one of the legal methods that people can use to enter and obtain residence in their desired country. More than 80 different countries around the world have provided this immigration method to people. The United States of America, Australia and European Union countries are among this category. In general, the frameworks considered for investment in different countries are different; But, people can get permanent and temporary residence and citizenship rights of that country in exchange for investing their property in any of these countries.

The main pillar of immigration through investment is to have enough budget and capital! In fact, you have to have a significant amount of capital in hand to be able to migrate this way. Hence, this migration method may not be suitable for everyone. The best destination for investment migration is a country that welcomes international investors. Also, the amount of your budget and conditions should match with the conditions of the destination country so that you can get the best results from investing in that country and finally, get a residence in that area!


Real estate citizenship

One of the best ways to immigrate is through investment, buying real estate in the desired country. This method has been introduced as the most reliable method for immigration and residence. Of course, you need to know that; Not all countries have given the opportunity to immigration applicants to obtain permanent residence or citizenship of the destination country through the purchase of property. However, many countries across the EU have such a privilege for immigration and investment applicants.

One of the countries that offers such a possibility to customers is "Spain". As a result, you can easily apply for residency by buying real estate and land in this country! The visa associated with this is known as "Golden Visa". Our advice to those who are interested is that; For more information in this field, contact the experienced experts of Stinovo and get a free initial consultation.

In addition to Spain, other countries such as; Portugal, Greece, Poland and Turkey will also provide applicants with the possibility of obtaining residence by purchasing a property. On the other hand, Australia and Canada are among the top immigration destinations where you can get your residency by setting up a startup and entrepreneurship!


Start-up international investment

People who intend to immigrate to European countries or other countries by investing their budget; They can easily reach their goals by starting a startup! It is enough to have a creative and innovative idea to start a business. By presenting the Business Plan of the desired business, it will be possible to obtain an investment visa for you. This method also has no age limit and requires less money compared to other investment migration methods.

From the moment you arrive in the desired country, you will have a full-time work permit! Also, another important advantage of this immigration method is the possibility to act with English language skills. Of course, you don't need to provide an English language certificate, just having enough communication skills will suffice. It is worth noting that; Providing a valid language certificate increases your chances of getting a visa.

Applicants who apply to register a company, start a business and invest in European countries will have the opportunity to study at the same time as managing their business!

Moving abroad with company registration

Applicants who are interested in investment migration will have several ways through which they can apply.

One of these methods is “company registration”. This method has many fans not only among Iranian applicants, but also all over the world! Several countries in Europe, the United States of America, and other regions have significant requirements for foreign investor company registration. Not only the economic prosperity and welcoming of investors in the country in question is important; Rather, applicants should also pay attention to the percentage of income tax of the company in question.

Moving abroad with investment

Methods of moving abroad through investment

Methods of international invest

To invest and immigrate to Europe, there are more than 6 methods that people can choose from among them with different conditions and different budgets.

Investment citizenship

Generally, immigration through investment to European and non-European countries will result in obtaining residency for the applicants! Of course, only some countries provide this privilege to individuals.

Europe investment citizenship

Some methods of investment migration in some countries lead to residence; While, it is possible that this privilege does not exist for foreign investors in another country.

What are the methods of investing abroad?

In this section, we will mention the various methods of immigration through investment. Remember that; All EU and non-EU countries do not support these methods! Rather, they will offer only a limited number of them. Also, all investment methods abroad will not lead to residency and citizenship! Therefore, you should do extensive research, consult with experienced people and consider all aspects and then choose the right method and country. In the following section, we have mentioned 6 important methods for immigration through investment:

Free International services consultation

Our experts and professional advisors in the Stinovo collection will clarify the process of immigration through investment from zero to one hundred for you, so that you can accurately know that; If you want to get a residence after immigration, how should you proceed!

Discover Your Options With a FREE Consultation!